North Carolina Association of International Educators
Job Description
Student Conference Co-Planners
Term: Three Years
Appointment: By State Chair
Qualifications: Must have two years or more experience in international education. Should be familiar with international education issues, preferably as they relate to leadership. Should demonstrate commitment to the concept of professional development through participation in conferences and workshops.
- Attend NCAIE Board Meetings representing the international education interests of professionals and community volunteers in North Carolina.
- Be sensitive to and aware of international education concerns, serving as a resource person for international educators in North Carolina, raising awareness of opportunities for service, participation and funding through NAFSA/NCAIE
- Arrange and implement the annual North Carolina Student Leadership Conference designed to introduce leadership principles and service to international and US student communities across the state.
- Arrange and implement the annual North Carolina Reentry Conference designed for returning study abroad students.
- Work closely with conference host institution staff to implement all program logistics. Conference logistics include but not limited to soliciting proposals for presentations, identifying keynote speaker, coordinating service project, ordering meals & leading opening/closing sessions of conference
- As needed, keep NCAIE participants informed (through the ListServ/Database and/or Website, etc.) of relevant international student leadership related topics.
- Assist the State Chair and Chair-Elect in identifying potential candidates for succession to the Student Conferences Co-Planner board position.
- Attend the NCAIE State Conference.
- Attend the NAFSA Region VII and NAFSA National Conferences if possible.