The name of the organization is the North Carolina Association of International Educators (NCAIE).
The purpose of NCAIE is to support and enhance the effectiveness of professionals and volunteers who advocate international educational and cultural exchange. The major goals of NCAIE are to:
- Provide opportunities for professional development for those participating in the field
- Disseminate relevant information to participants in international exchange programs
- Serve as a liaison to governmental and private organizations on behalf of participating members
- Promote and uphold the principles as set forth by NAFSA: The Association of International Educators (NAFSA)
Section 1. Eligibility
An affiliate is any person who lives and/or works in the State of North Carolina and adheres to the NAFSA principles for international educational exchange and is engaged in international educational activities.
Section 1. Board Composition
The Management of NCAIE shall be vested in a Board composed of the Chair, the Past Chair or Chair-Elect, one representative for each of the NAFSA professional sections, the NC State Representative to Region VII Team, a Community College representative, an HBCU Representative, a Treasurer/Secretary, a Newsletter Editor, an Affiliate Services Coordinator, and one member-at-large, and other members as deemed appropriate by the Board.
Section 2. Eligibility
Any affiliate of NCAIE shall be eligible for election or appointment to the Board provided that he/she is continually engaged in ongoing professional development opportunities. The Chair-Elect must also have served on the NCAIE Board for at least one year prior to election. The NC State Representative must have served on the NCAIE Board at least one year prior to election.
Section 3. Elections and Appointments
- A Nominating Committee for Chair Elect shall be composed of the Chair, the Past Chair and one current Board member, appointed by the Chair. The Chair shall make a call for nominations from the Affiliates. The election process shall ensure that one or more names are presented as candidates to the Affiliates at least thirty days prior to the Annual Business Meeting. The position shall be elected by a majority of affiliates present at the Annual Business meeting.
- A Nominating Committee for NC State Representative to Region VII Team shall be composed of the Chair, the Past Chair or Chair Elect, and one current Board member, appointed by the Chair. The Chair shall make a call for nominations from the Affiliates. The election process shall ensure that one or more names are presented as candidates to the Affiliates at least thirty days prior to the Annual Business Meeting. The position shall be elected by a majority of affiliates present at the Annual Business meeting.
- The Chair in consultation with the Board shall appoint all other positions on the Board.
Section 4. Terms of Office
- Board members shall serve a three-year term of office except for the Chair and the Member-at-Large. The Chair shall serve a term of three years: one as Chair-Elect, one as Chair, and one as Past Chair. The Member-at-Large shall be appointed by the Chair when deemed appropriate for one to three years.
- A vacancy occurring in any position on the Board shall be filled by an appointment of the Chair in consultation with the Board members. This appointment will serve out the un-expired term.
- Board members shall serve no more than two consecutive appointments.
- A vacancy in the office of the Chair shall be filled by the Chair-elect or Past Chair who shall serve until a special election by the affiliates can be held.
- A vacancy in the office of Chair-elect shall be filled by special election by the affiliates.
- A vacancy in the office of NC State Representative shall be filled by the Chair or a current NCAIE board member, appointed by the Chair until a special election can be held by the affiliates.
Section 5: Duties
- Chair: The Chair shall be the Chief Executive Officer of NCAIE, preside over all Board meetings, and discharge all of the duties thereto pertaining. The chair shall be required to be a member of NAFSA and is expected to attend the Region VII Conference.
- Chair-Elect / Past-Chair: The Chair-Elect/Past-Chair shall organize the state conference, serve as Chair in the absence of the Chair, and perform other duties as outlined in the job description.
- All Other Positions: All other positions shall perform the duties as outlined in the job descriptions.
Section 1. Meeting Frequency
There shall be at least two NCAIE Board meetings each year.
Section 2. Annual Business Meeting
The NCAIE annual Business Meeting will be held during the Annual Conference in the spring of each year. Whenever possible, the State Conference site will alternate among the geographic regions of the state to facilitate the attendance of affiliates in those regions.
Robert’s Rules of Order shall prevail at meetings.
This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the affiliates present at any state meeting provided that each amendment is submitted in writing to the Board sixty days in advance and publicized in writing to the membership thirty days in advance of the meeting.
In the event of dissolution, the residual assets of NCAIE shall be turned over to one or more organizations which themselves are exempt as organizations described in Section 501 (c) (3) and 107 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or corresponding sections of any prior or future government for exclusive public use.
The NCAIE Constitution was ratified by a majority vote present at the State Conference, 1989.
The first revision of the Constitution was ratified by the Affiliates at the annual conference held at Elon College, April 19, 1991.
The second revision of the Constitution was ratified by the Affiliates at the annual conference held at UNC-Wilmington, March 23, 1999.
The third revision of our Constitution was ratified by the Affiliates at the annual conference held at Appalachian State University, April 6, 2001
The fourth revision of our Constitution was ratified by the Affiliates at the annual conference held at North Carolina Central University, March 12, 2010.