Presenting at the Conference

Take your conference experience to the next level and build your professional skills in the process!

The NCAIE Planning Committee invites all those interested in leading a conference session to submit a presentation proposal. Read on to learn more about the benefits and process of proposing and facilitating a session at the NCAIE Student Conference.

Conference Theme

Reconnection  |  Resilience  |  Reliance

The theme of the 2023 NCAIE Student Conference is Reconnection / Resilience / Reliance. These topics focus on making connections and overcoming challenges as we come back together both at home and abroad. 

This conference is a chance for students of all types to come together to learn about each other and share in their experiences. Through this conference, students will gain knowledge and relationships that will help them become further engaged in global leadership and exchange. 

Benefits of Presenting

There are many benefits to presenting at a professional conference. You will carry with you many transferrable skills gained in planning, proposing, preparing, and presenting your session.

Professional Benefits

  • Gain experience presenting in front of your peers.
  • Develop your public speaking skills.
  • Build your resume and professional profile.  
  • Share your research and/or your experience on global issues.

Personal Benefits

  • Build a network of peers with shared experiences and interests.
  • Make friendships and connections with fellow presenters.
  • Process and share your stories and lived experiences.
  • Receive a discounted registration to the conference for presenting a session.


Conference presentations are a great addition to your resume, CV, or LinkedIn profile, especially as an undergraduate or graduate student! Employers understand the transferable skills gained through these experiences. Don’t miss these opportunities to make your future graduate school, employers, and professional network aware of the academic work, research, and professional trainings you are achieving as a student.

Developing your Session


  • The session should relate to our theme: Reconnection / Resilience / Reliance. These topics focus on making connections and overcoming challenges as we come back together both at home and abroad. 
  • The session should be 30-35 minutes, with an additional 10-15 minutes for discussion (45 minutes total).
  • The session should be interactive and engaging and lead to a discussion point. Each presentation should have specific discussion prompts (at least 1) at the end of the presentation portion. 
  • Session presenters should have at least 1 central message that they want the audience to understand by the end of the presentation. 
  • While you can present alone, we encourage presenters to work in groups of 2 or 3.

Crafting a Session

Feel free to be creative and to share the story that you want to share. While topics certainly could be outside of the questions below, these guiding questions could help narrow down a topic:

  • What impacts do global education (study abroad/immigration/international study) have on the participants and the community?
  • How can people of different cultures work together?
  • How does diversity make us stronger?
  • What impacts does an international experience have?
  • What challenges can we overcome by working together?
  • How can we relate our international experience (either as an exchange student, international student, or a student involved with those students) to other aspects of our lives?
  • What barriers exist to international experiences (here or abroad) and how can we overcome them?
  • How can students promote diversity, equity, and inclusion during and after their international experience?

Previous Session Titles

  • Increasing Global Awareness in North Carolina
  • Domestic as Global: Lessons learned from a University Based Asylum Medicine Program
  • The Role of Global Leadership in Character Building
  • Cultural Competency & Global Awareness: What, Why, and How?
  • Connection Interrupted: Challenges of Building a Digital Service Project Across the Atlantic
  • Prescribing You a New Pair of Lenses: The Importance of a Global Perspective
  • Storytelling: Global Leadership through Experiences in Ethiopia

Proposing Your Session

Session proposals are submitted online. You do not have to have the presentation ready to submit the proposal! Presentations should be completed by November 6th so you can send them to the planning committee to prep for the day of the conference. 

Proposals are due November 1st, but feel free to submit your proposal early.

Please do not hesitate to email Thor Duryea or Madeline Allen with any questions.