Conference Schedule

On-Site Registration & Check-In
9:30 AM – 10:00 AM

Light Breakfast
9:45 AM – 10:45 AM

Conference Opening
10:20 AM – 10:40 AM

Kick off the 2023 NCAIE Student Conference! Join the conference leadership team and your peers to start off a day packed with learning, collaboration, and intercultural development!

Concurrent Sessions | Block 1
10:45 AM – 11:30 AM

Cultural Capital: Leveraging Diversity for Professional Networking and Academic Growth

Jue Wang, Qiao Liu, Onima Vadakke | Room 213

In this presentation, we will explore the concept of “Cultural Capital” and how it serves as a unique asset in building professional connections and advancing in academia. As international students pursuing our doctoral degrees at the UNCC College of Education, we hail from diverse cultural backgrounds, specifically China and India. We have discovered that our distinct cultural experiences offer valuable insights and solutions to the current educational challenges in the United States. By drawing parallels between our home countries’ educational systems and the American educational landscape, we aim to showcase how international students can turn their multicultural backgrounds into an advantage.

We will discuss our experiences working as Graduate Assistants (GAs) and how our cultural perspectives have informed our academic journeys. Through real-world examples and personal anecdotes, we will highlight the value of reconnection, resilience, and reliance in navigating the American educational environment. Join us as we delve into the power of diverse perspectives and their role in problem-solving, fostering professional connections, and enriching our academic growth.

From Abroad to Advocacy: Embracing Transformation and Building Connections

Addison Carrasquillo | Room 211

This session will focus on the importance of reconnection and the opportunities that can present themselves upon returning from being abroad. I have grown tremendously since studying abroad and a lot of that is because of my decision to continue advocating on campus once I return. Only a small percentage of students choose to study abroad, the fear of missing out and other misconceptions they have heard from others and online deter many students. By continuing to find ways to share stories from study abroad and advocation we can mitigate stereotypes and remain connected to our experiences. In my current graduate class, I am researching anxiety-management theory regarding students who go abroad. This theory focuses on increasing effective communication by minimizing misunderstanding between a person and a social outgroup. I would like to share the statistics I have learned and hear how other people may have felt before going abroad and how their perception changed once they began interacting with new cultures with the hopes, that they will feel inspired to get more involved within their community and taking new chances.

Resilience in Language

Tramont Smith | Room 210

In this presentation, we will fill out a chart concerning what possible languages (including dialects) one may ascribe to (this is used in linguistic research). Attendants will share what languages they identify with and why their languages are placed in specific areas. This will allow people to hear the various languages and dialects used in the room to get them thinking. We will then discuss how language shapes our worldview and how at times this can lead to challenges while studying abroad or in international education. But through resilience and various tools, these challenges can be conquered while admiring the beauty language brings to the world and the study abroad experience.

Concurrent Sessions | Block 2
11:40 AM – 12:25 PM

Fostering Community for International Students Through Fictive Kinship

James Hairston, PhD; Imani Johnson | Room 213

Through theories and practices, this presentation will provide real-life examples for embracing international students at institutions of higher education in North Carolina. Fictive Kinship, sense of belonging, and engagement will be discussed to explore reconnection, resilience, and reliance on college campuses in NC.

Pushing Through Barriers: Becoming a More Resilient Individual Through Studying Abroad

Lynn Van Staalduinen and Devin Osborne | Room 211

There are many barriers and challenges that one encounters before, during, and after studying abroad. Facing these challenges and working through these barriers helps students learn how to work through difficulties and overcome them, which overall leads to a more resilient, competent, and confident individual. This presentation will give an overview of some common challenges encountered during study abroad, how to overcome them, and the resulting benefits received from doing so.

The Challenges of Language Learning and Methods of Remaining Resilient

Neil Garza Hernandez | Room 210

The topic will be focused on the challenges that arrive with language learning, with a particular focus on stress. Stress from learning a new language may arise from a variety of aspects, such as feeling isolated from the communication barrier or simply being frustrated on certain linguistic concepts. There are many more reasons and aspects to consider by having the students share. These stressful challenges may lead to the desire to give up. However, it is absolutely possible to remain resilient despite the stress. Likely the most effective manner is to have support groups, whether such groups are within the host country or through online means. Based on my own experience, my classmates in Germany were a critical resource to understanding various concepts, which lowered my stress. We were also able to work together to ask questions such as directions until we could do it independently, which made the communication barrier less worrying. Language learning can serve a variety of purpose in people’s career field. However, there may also be other benefits that people seek personally, such as wanting to communicate with certain people. This topic will convey the fact that learning a new language can be difficult and stressful, but is certainly possible with the assistance of support groups and other means. By remaining resilient, we will attain the personal and career benefits of language learning.

12:30 PM – 1:30 PM

Come together as a group to enjoy lunch and hear from the sponsor for this year’s conference, Barcelona SAE.

Concurrent Sessions | Block 3
1:45 PM – 2:30 PM

Creating a Tapestry of Diversity: Fostering Inclusivity and Global Citizenship Through Multicultural Events

Atiqua P, Daniella Martin, Itzel Alvarez, Lizeth Ortiz Ardila | Room 213

Central Message: “Embracing Diversity, Empowering Unity”

  • Explores the power of diversity, inclusion, and global citizenship in promoting reconnection, resilience, and reliance.
  • Presented through the lens of Meredith International Association (MIA) at Meredith College.
  • Real-life experiences, success stories, and practical strategies will be discussed.
Reconnecting the World One “Useless” Degree at a Time

Eesha Alla | Room 211

As an Anthropology major myself, I aim to highlight the value of disciplines that make up the Liberal Arts and Humanities space in constructing a culturally competent world and solving global issues. I will be using various real-life examples and personal experiences to offer solutions centering the stigma around these fields while addressing their relation to resilience, reliance, and reconnection in the modern world.

Combining School, Work, and Sport: Life of an International Student-Athlete Overcoming Barriers

Adam Holomoucky | Room 210

Combining school, work, and sport. Life of an international student-athlete overcoming barriers. Resilience needed to be successful in the US for international students and student-athletes. The process of getting an internship and/or GA position while training and studying. How to get the most from your experience and not just sit on campus and wait for a miracle.

Two to Tell Presentations
2:40 PM – 3:10 PM

View and cast your vote for the 2023 Two to Tell Presentations!

Concurrent Sessions | Block 4
3:30 PM – 4:15 PM

Empowering Resilience and Reliance Through Linguistic Insights in Education

Ayomide Adeyeye | Room 213

I will explore the transformative power of linguistic insights in fostering resilience and reliance among educators and students. I will discuss the significance of integrating language diversity and sociolinguistic awareness into curriculum development and classroom practice, ultimately preparing students to reconnect with their linguistic roots, build resilience, and rely on their unique communication skills in an ever-changing world.

Leadership and Involvement as the Best Resorts of Reconnection, Resilience, and Reliance Through the Eyes of a Non-Traditional Indian International Student

Dr. Vanadeep Kaluvagunta | Room 211

My presentation focuses on the central theme of the viability of international students and particularly, non-traditional international students getting themselves involved in various leadership student leadership roles and also volunteer to be members of various student body committees and administrative committees of the university as student representatives to get over these predicaments. By doing this, they not only help themselves but also the the entire student community and contribute in more efficient functioning of the university administration. These non-traditional international students carry a lot of experience filled with maturity in student leadership, professional management, troubleshooting, conflict resolution, counseling, advising, networking, etc. This makes them extremely effective thinkers, mentors, leaders, planners and strategists. Instead of reeling under the pressure of these aforementioned conditions, which are inevitable while studying overseas, they can rise to the occasion to use their intellect and precious experiences to make the situations better for them, for their fellow students while contributing to the efficient functioning of university systems.

Reconnection, Resilience, and Reliance in Cross-Cultural Academia

Katie Wagner | Room 210

A comparison of class styles between Germany and the United States and how international peers shape the classroom environment.

Photo Contest Showcase & Closing
4:30 PM – 5:00 PM

Join back together with the other conference goers to view and cast your vote for the 2023 Student Conference Photo Contest, debrief the day, and prepare to put in practice all that you’ve learned.